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EM-eco public relations company


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In practice, it is not possible to carry out the PR activities without the media.
Long-term relationship with the media people and knowledge about the media market, enable us to identify the target groups of journalists and provide them with the information about the company at the right time.

Our experience in organising the conferences an seminars covers projects prepared for the personnel of single company, conferences for a wide auditorium of clients as well as international meetings with the participation of the representatives of the supreme authorities and government.
The following are the key components of the co-operation with the media:

* Preparing the information services
* Building a press office of a company (including the internet office)
* Distributing the information services - all media
* Meetings with the press - formal and informal
* Organising individual interviews
* Organising product tests on the media
* Road shows
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Price:Ask for price


Related products: Business services ->Consulting


EM-eco public relations company

Street:Skrytka pocztowa 13
City:Warszawa 130
Postal code:02-771
Phone: +48 533 969669

Contact person

Name and Surname: Sławomir Pawlak
Phone: +48 22 3730015
Mobile: +48 533969669
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